Moscatel Wines
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About Moscatel Wines
Moscatel is a particularly aromatic grape variety, with floral, citrus and grape aromas. It reaches high sugar levels when matured and is ideal for making fortified wines. Two regions in Portugal are famous for fortified Moscatel: the Douro and the Setubal Peninsula. On the other side of the Tejo River in the vicinity of the city of Lisbon, you can also find some in some locations.
Moscatel has numerous variants around the world. Two of the main types are produced in Portugal, one known locally as Moscatel de Setúbal (whose international name is Moscatel de Alexandria), and Moscatel Galego Branco (Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains), the type found in the Douro, recognized worldwide as the most family's elegant and fragrant wine - although the elegance also depends on the location and management of the vineyard, and where and how the wine is made. Setúbal also has a small part of what is thought to be a mutation of Moscatel Galego Branco, Moscatel Roxo.